Monday, June 9, 2008

Guilt-Free TV


Guilt-free television!

Planet Green made its debut June 4, but I did not get around to discovering whether we had it on Directv ( until this weekend.

Yes!!!! If you're in the Nashville area and have Directv, it's channel 286.

I thoroughly enjoyed the programming.

I watched a couple of 30-minute shows about homeowners doing green renovations (one couple was expecting a baby and wanted the new addition to their home, plus the baby's crib and all, to be healthy, organic, and environmentally friendly), and I also watched a program by Bill Nye (remember the Science Guy?) on breakfast foods.

Did you know that pig farmers feed fishmeal to pigs? This has led to overharvesting of sardines and anchovies, leaving lots of penguins and pelicans without enough to eat.

He also discussed shade tree coffee, orange juice (squeeze your own like our mamas used to do when we were kids), and eating fruit seasonally instead of having an apple trucked 3,000 miles from Washington, or worse, New Zealand (I don't plan on eating any Braeburn apples after watching this show).

There's plenty more good programming on Planet Green including a documentary on Greensburg, the Kansas town destroyed last year by a tormado that is being rebuilt as the world's first all-green community.

I'm planning on tuning in a lot this summer, in between my two favorite summer shows, So You Think You Can Dance? and America's Best Dance Crew.

I do have to put in a plug for those dance shows, because they showcase the talent, charisma and commitment of many of our young people. I love to hear how dancing has changed some of these kids' lives, ie, got them out of gangs.

Now that I think about green is that?

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