Saturday, June 7, 2008

Recipe for Refreshment

I have always loved water, even before it was hip to drink it, but for some reason I don't find it as refreshing in the summer.

In summer, I like lemonade, tea, or other "flavored" beverages that sometimes contain high fructose corn the Minute Maid Limeade and Pomegranate Tea sitting in my fridge.

So I was delighted to find a recipe today for homemade flavored water.

Basically, just add some lime (or lemon, I prefer lime) slices, cucumber slices, and mint, to a pitcher of water.

It's delicious...and refreshing.

Because I've had some digestive problems today, I also added a splash of aloe vera juice and Ok---a bit of the pomegranate tea for color. It's quite pretty as well as tasty.

I have an abundance of mint in my garden so I added both pineapple and lime mint. The flavor that stands out the most is the cucumber, since those mints are subtle.

It made me remember a beauty tip my mother taught me when I turned 16: use a cucumber slice to cleanse and tone your face.

So after I made my water, I took an extra cucumber slice and ran it over my face. Wow! It made my complexion look fresh...and young! Very important when one has turned 51!

And you can't get much greener than that! It even comes with its own natural packaging, and best of animal testing.


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