Monday, June 30, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere!

One of my favorite childhood memories is of putting on my bathing suit and playing in the sprinkler.

The water coming through the hose, had a certain scent that I can't even begin to describe. It just smelled fresh, I guess...quite different from water coming from the tap inside even though it was the same water.

I liked to drink it from the hose because it had a fresh taste that matched the smell.

I also loved to play in the street gutters after a rain! If it was a heavy rain, water would be rushing and gushing down the gutter towards the storm drain.

I loved to put on boots or some other type of rubber shoe and splash and splash! If the weather was really hot, as it often was in Memphis in the summer, the water would heat up from the pavement. Or sometimes the water would feel cold, depending on the time of the year.

I enjoyed playing in the water no matter what the season.

I could take this opportunity to talk about stormwater runoff as an environmental issue...but I won't.

I'll just continue to savor those simple childhood memories.

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