Friday, June 13, 2008

Letting Nature Takes Its Course--Amazing Wind Power

Steven has been busy this week, helping to secure funding for a Colorado-based wind farm. Energy production from wind farms is up 45 percent from a year ago, and wind power is being used to power 4.5 million U.S. homes.

It's been interesting to learn more about the process of starting a wind farm. The wind farm is to be built on acres and acres of previously unusable land in Colorado. Since wind farms are becoming more popular, there is about an 18-month wait to obtain the wind machines.

And they are quite costly, with larger ones taking tens of millions to construct.

The government has been providing tax credits for wind farms, but an article in today's Tennessean (view it at, noted that the current program expires in December and the new the bill has stalled in Congress. The House passed the extension in May, but the bill has failed the Senate three times, probably because it's part of a larger package bill.

I don't want to get on a rant about politics, but...wind power is vitally important to our future and I hope the future of some of these farms is not jeapordized by political posturing, disagreeing, and back-scratching.

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