Thursday, May 8, 2008

Franklin Farmer's Market


The summer session of the Franklin Farmer's Market opened last is a link to their site.http://

Attending the Market is one of our favorite weekend activities.

It will be great to hear our favorite group, the Franklin Square Pickers, again as well as check out the new music groups that will begin playing each Saturday at 10:30.

Yesterday I posted some "green" Mother's Day gift ideas. A couple of them were plant related--an herb kit, and planting a flower.

This year, instead of ordering a lavish bouquet over the internet, or even picking up a flowering plant at Kroger that could have been grown who knows where, I plan to buy my mother a green growing present at the Market this Saturday...and enjoy some toe-tapping music, too.

See you there!

1 comment:

Cool Starts Properties said...

Mooooo! I love the cows!
Great blog site!